A Woman who Found a Sperm Donor on Facebook has Become a Proud Single Mother of Five Kids

A woman from Australia who never wanted to date anyone, but wanted to have a big family for herself and for this she had to find another way to conceive.

A 28-year-old woman named Brooke Withington wanted to become a mother since she was just eight-year-old. But the problem was that she didn’t want to date any men, so she decided to join an online community that could help her to get pregnant.

Now, Brooke is a doting mother to five kids, in which four she conceived naturally and one came in to this world by the help of a sperm donor.

“Ever since I was about eight years old, I knew I wanted a large family,” she shared with news.com.au“I always wanted at least five children. Of course, I thought I would be married before I started having kids.”

“It didn’t work out like that, but I feel like it all happened exactly how it was meant to,” Brooke also said.

“After I had my third baby Odette, I didn’t want to date anymore,” she further added. “I was so happy and content on my own, but I still wanted more children. That is when I decided I would go down the sperm donor route instead.”

In the year 2014, the Gold Coast native gave birth to her first baby named Edward, when she was just 19-year-old.

“It was such an incredible moment when I first became a mum,” she said to the 7Life. “The second I saw him, my whole life changed.”

The mother of five welcomed another child named Gilbert in 2016, and in the year 2018, she became mother of her third child, a daughter, Odette.

 “All I remember feeling was so much love when I saw Gilbert,” she told. “Odette was my first girl – it was so special when she was born.”

”I remember being in disbelief that I got a little girl, it was so surreal.”

Withington revealed that she conceived her kids naturally, but they all were unplanned, and her then partner with she had these kids are no longer in the picture.

“I was so happy on my own. I just wanted to spend time with my kids, not go on dates or try to meet anyone,” furthermore she said that she wanted to have more children and didn’t want to stop after having three kids.

So, she started to find out a Sperm Donation Group on Facebook instead of conceiving her fourth kid naturally.

 “(It) sounded like the right decision for me,” Withington told 7Life.

Talking to the Daily Mail, she opened up about her experience with the sperm donation group.

“I booked a hotel room, and he (the donor) went into the room and messaged me when he had the semen in a jar, then he left and I went in. I have always been a very fertile person which I’m so grateful for, but right before I inserted the syringe I remember looking at the semen in there and thinking ‘there’s no way this will work,” she described.

“But I inseminated myself with the syringe and it worked first time… I was as surprised as everyone else!”

She also said that she was trying to search Asian donor because of her baby girl, Odette who has an Asian heritage while all her children are white.

“When I found the right donor I told him everything I was and wasn’t comfortable with; I was personally only comfortable with artificial insemination and the donor I chose was strictly AI.”

After that, Brooke welcomed her miracle daughter named Nora, who is a year old now.

Then, she welcomed her another child, Mabel with a man she was in a relationship for some months.

“I love having five kids but I’m definitely thinking about having one more child one day and if I do – I will definitely be going down the sperm donor path again,” she told Daily Mail“The conception and pregnancy with Nora was the most drama and stress free experience.”

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