A Little Effort goes a Long way, as Experienced by these 25 People!

Accepting oneself just like you are is not easy. It is easy to say that we don’t care if we are not attractive, but when it comes to it, nobody is confident enough to go out bare faced without concealing their flaws. People often feel disheartened when they feel they are the odd one out. The people mentioned below made an effort and they are now entirely out of the depressing situation. It is hard to believe they are not someone else however it really is the same person!


© worthwords/imgur

I love that I have lost almost 45 kilograms


© thackerslacker/imgur

After almost two and a half years, I finally feel that I am valuable. It is only because I lost weight in this time.


© Vadim Sokov/thequestion

I was obese because of tough family situations. I was a different kid. My friends’ mocked me. I had a broken home. When I grew up, I tried to be more social and live in a healthy environment. This is the reason my weight went down and now I have the confidence to live like any normal person and be better every day.


© Khodg/reddit

I used to hate how I looked. But after four years of struggle, I am finally accepting myself.


© MavrickOcean/reddit

The left picture is of me at the age of 19 and the right one is two years later. I love the change!


© Chelsea_of_the_seas/imgur

I was going through a rough phase in life due to my appearance. It was only when I got determined to work out and shed some pounds, that I realized life is good! Now I leave no chance to go for a jog and everything is great!


© Apolecia/imgur

My transformation did not require becoming thin, I just had to have a good hairstyle and voila!


© Kycb/imgur

I used to be so skinny that I looked artificial. I used to end up in hospital beds. What worked was my determination to become better and that is when I started gaining weight. This helped me live a normal life.


© Joshancy/imgur

I know it is unbelievable, but these pictures are three years apart, and it really is me.


© misscomputed/reddit

After I lost weight, I am now so much more confident in my own skin! I meet people, I socialize and I go out of the house more often! Three years ago I was totally different!


© -dicky/reddit

I am so proud of the change I brought to myself in only four years!


© Denis Vladimirovich/thequestion

I was mentally damaged and this had a bad effect on how I looked. I became weak and started going bald. But I found books to be my best friend and that is how I came out of it. After joining the army it was all good like part of a routine.


© pagirl023/imgur

Dieting and exercising was not meant for me. I could not manage to do this on my own. However I reached out to a nutritionist and they helped me get in shape.


© unknown author/imgur.

There is nothing major that I did to myself, but I feel attractive now.


© MikeN300/reddit

I realized that junk food and fast food were my greatest enemies and I had made friends with them since the last 20 years. I left them finally and here I am, in my best shape.


© MorrisseysUnderbite/reddit

After almost a year and a half of struggle, my jaw line is visible and I am grateful for that.


© nitexstryke/imgur

I am constantly trying to make my body better, and it is because of this that I lost almost 45 kilos.


© mrnanovideos1/reddit

My personality has drastically changed over a very short time period. From being a geek to now being the stud, I have got my life back on the last four years.


© eckitis/reddit

It is always up to you how you choose to live. In my case I had made the resolution to get back in shape. In two years I achieved what I aimed for.


© Ivan Sitkov/thequestion

It starts with us. When I made the decision to lose weight, I changed my diet and omitted bread, sugar and alcohol from it. In a matter of three months, this led me to losing a 100 pounds. I am content with how much weigh but I am planning to lose another 40 pounds.


© Unknown/reddit

I used to feel ashamed of my hair and weight. Weight I did lose but hair cannot be changed, and I am now accepting it after two years.


© unknown author/imgur

The pictures show my evolution.


© Captainjoe201/imgur

As I grew up, I shed some pounds and I try to maintain it.


© unknown author/imgur

I am so proud of how my boyfriend has changed over the course of four years. It is unbelievable how amazing he looks now!


© Anna Ignatieva/thequestion

There was nothing distinct about me. I wanted to catch everyone’s eyes. I tried different ways of doing that and people did start to take notice on my hair and my tattoos. However, I felt that if we care about how we look and be comfortable in what we are, we will be more content. So I started working out and taking care of myself. After all that’s what really matters.

Whose story touched you the most? Let us know in the comment section below!

Preview Picture credit: Khodg/reddit

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