Indiana Mother Woke Up After Two Months as Her Husband Refused to Take Her Off Life Support

A mother of three named Autumn Carver woke up to live again with her family after spending almost 100 days in the hospital on life support due to COVID-19.

Autumn who lives in Indiana became successful to win her life back after fighting a long battle with Covid-19 and remaining in the hospital on life support. After three months she finally reunited with her kids including two daughters, and a newborn son.

In August 2021, the 35-year-old Carver was diagnosed with the deadly virus, during that time she was nine months pregnant with her third baby.

Indiana Mum

She was so much sick that even the doctors said to her husband named Zach, that the chance of his wife’s survival is “zero”.

As per GMA“She gave birth on Aug. 27 in an emergency C-section while 33 weeks pregnant. Her son, Huxley, was born healthy, but Carver would not meet him for the first nearly two months of his life.”

“Shortly after giving birth, Carver was placed on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, machine, which removes carbon dioxide from the blood and sends back blood with oxygen to the body, allowing the heart and lungs time to rest and heal.”

Carver spent almost two months on the machine, and then finally made it to see her newborn son and two daughters.

hat day was precious

She said to the outlet, “That day was precious,”

After one month, she got discharged from the hospital and was finally able to return home in 100 days.

“It’s been awesome, better than expected,” she told and also said that her daughters became shocked and surprised at that time to see their mother coming back home.

“The kiddos are still young enough that they’re resilient, but it’s taking them some time still to adjust,” Autumn further told.

and her miracle

Her husband, Zach, who is also the dad of their three children was always there for her all hundred days, he used to be on her bedside waiting for her to wake up and return to her life.

Zach shared with PEOPLE, “I still have to pinch myself occasionally because I saw her in such bad shape for such a long time. I’m very happy that she’s alive. We went through this for a reason and we’re just extremely, extremely grateful, and we thank the good Lord for Autumn and her miracle,”

He also said that it was nothing but a miracle that gave him his wife back, and he would never forget to be grateful for it.

“Having my whole family under one roof for the first time was, I don’t have words to put on that,” he told to GMA“Happy and joyful, they don’t compare to what I really feel. We’re just all so happy to be together, especially right before Christmas.”

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