Time spend together before marriage turns out to be valuable and fruitful to getting to know each other better. You are able to develop a certain level of comfort with your partner if he clears a series of stages and tests before either of you decide to tie the knot. With each passing stage, you become surer to take the big decision of your life. It’s normal to test his patience before marriage because if you are comfortable in doing certain things in front of him then you will make a deeper connection with each other. The different stages make your relationship stronger and will build an understanding that is not going to collapse easily with difficult problems coming at your way.
A relationship is a constant struggle to reach a comfort level in each other’s company and the most important test is to establish a rapport with one another. There are a lot of hard work to manage all the complications coming in your relationship but with better understanding you will be able to conquer whatever challenge your relationship might face. Once the level of comfort is attained with one another, then all the problems will become opportunities to know each other deeper.
Everyone has the less-than-perfect sides and your partner must get comfortable with or otherwise there will always be a certain hint of hesitation whenever you two come closer to establish physical intimacy. You need to test his patience if he would stand or tolerate the worst parts of your personality. Sometimes, you can only tell through these things that your relationship will sustain the monstrous hurdles or not. Do not consider his proposal unless your partner has seen these silly sides of yours.
1. An ugly cry for a number of reasons.
His support, empathy, and love will be shown clearly if he is going to accept your sadness that derives you into hysterics. Do not act like a person who is indifferent to pain and sorrow. His real love and care would be visible on you when he will still love you despite how you look while seeing your ugly cry.
2. Let your anger get the best of you.
People are often uncontrollable when their anger gets the best of them. Before your marriage you need to test his patience and at least once let your anger get the best of you. You will find out if his love is true when he sticks around even after seeing this side of yours.
3. Grocery shopping.
Grocery shopping is a meticulous process and often men despise going out with their partner to avoid this slow and boring trip. But, this is also important for your marriage because this is something that you two are expected to do more often for the rest of your lives.
4. A big gross vomit.
This is a good sign for you that he is comfortable seeing you vomiting and not so flattering image of yours after the emission of stomach fluids. You bet he will love you till last breath if he still wants to take care of you after seeing your big gross vomit.
5. Do your secret guilty pleasure in front of him.
You man needs to know every side of yours and every guilty pleasure that is secret to everyone else. You should expose yourself in front of him to know if he gives regard to your wishes because only then you can be sure that he is tolerant to your habits and wants a relationship together.
Image Credit: Shutterstock
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