Steer Clear Of Some Places If You Want To Get Over a Breakup

To get over a breakup is a really hard task. All those lovely memories come flashing back to you especially when you are trying to move on. This makes it even harder and it may not be the best thing to do when you are in a situation like this. It is risky business to look back and recall all those memories that you know will only cause you more hurt. It is only when you are completely over your ex that is when you can easily remember those times. One should make sure to be careful not to be around those people or those places that remind you of those times you spent with your ex. Those places where you spent some special moments and used to hang out with your loved one should be avoided for your own benefit if all those memories are still fresh and you have not forgotten them. Of course one feels sad and vulnerable when their heart is broken, but it certainly doesn’t mean you are not allowed to feel this way. It is totally acceptable to have such feelings but you need to control them and overcome them by being strong and avoiding all those things that make you feel like this. After all accepting the fact that you have such feelings will only help you become get over your breakup. Your feelings will only lose their meaning once you acknowledge them. You will have to let go of all those memories soon so that more harm is not caused. You will need to avoid such places to let go of those memories.

1. The place where it all started:

You should avoid going back to the same place where you first met the love of your life. The place where it all started from, where you and your ex first started the life full of memories is going to be hurtful. Don’t go back to that place, as it will bring back all those moments that you spent together for the first time.

2. The place where you shared moments of intimacy for the first time:

Being intimate brings you close to your partner. And one can never forget those moments of closeness. If you want to get over a breakup then you must avoid going to the place where you first shared a kiss.

3. The place where you made celebrations:

Crossing milestones are a big thing in relationships. And recalling them and going to those places after you have a heart break becomes really hard. Hence one should avoid going to places where they celebrated their first anniversaries.

4. Your hang out place:

There must be one such place where you and your partner used to love going and hanging out. You should not go back to that place if you want to let go of all those feelings because otherwise all those feelings will come rushing back.

5. Places where you see couples in love:

Don’t go into shops where you see people in love gifting each other presents. More specifically don’t enter jeweler stores where all you can see is people buying engagement rings. It is only going to put you off more.

6. People who are in love:

Apart from places, avoid people who are in love and are happy. After all you cannot see other people happy for something that you didn’t get.

7. Distant yourself from places where they might be in the same place:

Avoid going to places where you think they might also be there. Facing them would be difficult.

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