No doubt, yesterday’s match was simply worth watching match, and football fans are still celebrating the amazing victory of Argentina.
On December 18, in Qatar, After 90 minutes great match, Argentina won the game by 4-2 and beat France on penalties at Lusail Stadium.
The professional footballer aka the GOAT, Leo Messi, who was the most celebrated player of the FIFA World Cup 2022, has been making headlines before the match and many people have been urging for his magnificent win in the game.
After playing 172 times for his country, it happened for the first time in his career when Lionel Andrés Messi lifted the World Cup after winning an incredible match against France.
In his victory speech Messy told, “I wanted to close my career with this, it was the one that was missing so I can no longer ask for anything else.”
“I was able to get the Copa America and now the World Cup that I had fought so hard for. I’ve got it at the end of my career. But I love football and I want to continue living a few more games being world champion.”
Millions of people around the world watched the nail-biting final match, and many of them felt so happy for him as he got the victory he deserved. While watching Messi lifting the World Cup trophy in his hands, his fans were seen smiling and crying at the same time.
Apart from all the cheers, happiness and smiles, there was one thing which actually bothered Messi’s fans. Football fans are not happy because of Salt Bae, a Turkish Chef and social media personality, who acted weirdly while holding the trophy on the pitch.
The Turk Chef has been seen in the viral video on the platform, where he was continuously trying to get close to the world champion and interrupted the celebration, despite Messi’s three attempts to ignore him.
Messi ignoring Salt Bae is golden 🤣🤣
— Omar Al Raisi (@Dantani) December 19, 2022
Nusret Gokce, an internet influencer who is popularly known as Salt Bae on the platform, made his way onto the pitch and held the World Cup trophy in his hands when the celebration was going on after an incredible victory. Salt Bae was also seen biting some champion’s gold
According to the FIFA rules, “The original FIFA World Cup Trophy can only be touched and held by a very select group of people, which includes former winners of the FIFA World Cup and heads of state.”
However, the celebrity chef Nusret has broken the rules as he clicked many photos holding golden trophy in his hands.
The Times’ chief sports reporter named Martyn Ziegler went on Salt Bae’s Instagram and took a screenshot of one of his recent photos in which he could be seen holding the golden accolade in his hands, he shared that photo on his Twitter and wrote,
“I’d love to hear FIFA’s explanation of why this celebrity chef gets access onto the pitch at a World Cup final for selfies with Messi etc.”
I’d love to hear FIFA’s explanation of why this celebrity chef gets access onto the pitch at a World Cup final for selfies with Messi etc
— Martyn Ziegler (@martynziegler) December 18, 2022
Andre Noruega, who is a sports journalist also wrote something about Salt Bae on his Twitter,
“Fcking absurd. Who let Saltbae out on the pitch? Saw a bunch of photos of him HOLDING the World Cup trophy and even a picture of him biting on a medal. At least Messi knew not to give that guy trying to make THEIR moment about HIM any attention. Desperately grabbing Messi.”
Fcking absurd. Who let Saltbae out on the pitch? Saw a bunch of photos of him HOLDING the World Cup trophy, and even a picture of him biting on a medal. Atleast Messi knew not to give that guy trying to make THEIR moment about HIM any attention. Desperately grabbing Messi
— André Noruega (@AndreOstgaard) December 18, 2022
He also shared a screenshot of the rules which was shared by FIFA officials, and wrote, “Uhm, okay then. Saltbae is either a World Cup winner or head of state, then.”
Saltbae has touched more World Cup trophies than Cristiano 👍🏼
— André Noruega (@AndreOstgaard) December 19, 2022
Not only Andre but also many fans of the GOAT over the world are infuriated at the Salt Bae for grabbing the great footballer’s arm several times, although it is quite obvious after watching the photos which are going viral on the social media that Messi was trying to ignore him.
“Messi told Salt Bae no twice while he’s trying to hug his family, guy chased and grabbed him again. What a prick. Only time I saw Messi angry in the last hour,”
One of his fans wrote in anger on Twitter.
Messi told Salt Bae no twice while he's trying to hug his family, guy chased and grabbed him again. What a prick. Only time I saw Messi angry in the last hour.
— billary (@iambillary) December 18, 2022
“Salt Bae pestering Messi has to be the perfect symbol for all the awful off-field shit hovering around and poisoning anything good about this World Cup. Dismal little character,” someone commented.
Salt Bae pestering Messi has to be the perfect symbol for all the awful off-field shit hovering around and poisoning anything good about this World Cup. Dismal little character
— Terry, Daley ⭐️⭐️ (@T_Daley) December 18, 2022
“Somebody actually let SaltBae touch the World Cup and he smacked it,” another wrote.
Somebody actually let SaltBae touch the World Cup and he smacked it. 😭
— Roopa Vyas 🏴 (@LFC_RV) December 18, 2022
According to that Twitter user who posted the viral video on the internet, in which a Turkish chef was continuously trying to touch Messi when the football legend was hugging his fellow, Messi already knew where should he give his attention.
“Even Messi knows salt bae is a hack,” an angry Twitterati wrote on the shared video.
Even Messi knows salt bae is a hack
— Z Bo (@zekedabolina) December 18, 2022
After multiple failed attempts, Gokce finally became successful to get a picture with Messi which he later uploaded to his Instagram account.
Share Your Thoughts:
What are your views on Salt Bae holding the World Cup trophy and trying to get chummy with the world champion? Let us know in the comments.
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